Male Bathroom with Girls on the Wall

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

A bathroom with girls looking on your thing by the wall. This is hilarious especially if you have crazy guy friends with you. You'll laugh so hard and start pissing at those girls.

I don't know about you, but I'd go on the left side to boost my confidence while peeing. Some might even walk out intimidated by the measuring tape girl.

What would you do if you're in this bathroom?

Would you dare to pee or just hold it and later pee on your pants?

Crazy Male Bathroom



Dhemz said...

my gosh...this is pretty!

btw, I am asking a favor if you have help us vote for my daughter...

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1. (Name of child) is my winning Pinoy Smile because…..
2. My tip for a healthy smile is……
3. My dental question for Pinoy Smile is …..
4. The Pinoy Smile website can be improved by ....
5. I take care of my teeth by...
6. Teeth are important because...
7. I take care of my child's teeth ...

Note: You can cast your vote and comment everyday. Thanks!

Rob said...

I think I'd be a little too uncomfortable to use that particular bathroom. I'd hate to see what they have in the stalls.

Lisa said...

whaaaa, funny post...

Buggys said...

I saw this once before in an email. Hilarious!

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